Havant Town Planning Applications

HCS monitor the weekly lists of planning applications and appeals. These lists are publicly available on the Havant Borough Council website and can be viewed by taking this link.

We take a detailed look at planning applications in St Faith’s Ward and on occasion further afield where we believe there is specific interest for the town centre, providing a considered response where appropriate.

The applications which we are interested in can be viewed by taking the ‘Planning Applications link on the right hand side of this page.

Planning application detail can be viewed on the national Planning Portal, which can be viewed through the Havant Borough Council website by following this link and entering appropriate search criteria.  Where we show links in articles on this website, we try where possible to give a direct link to the planning application in question. In this case, you will see a page including the following detail:


Look for and select the tab marked ‘Documents‘ and a list of all documents relating to relating to the application. At the right hand side of each line you will see an icon, selection of which will show you full details of the application in question.